Stop lying. You’re losing track. The weight is even on both
sides of the bar but the metal hinges to a tipping point. Don’t think. Each
twinge of thought reveals a maze-blocking wall forcing a search back to the
start for clarity on what is real.
You have, a girlfriend.
No I don’t
Yes you do she told me so
I don’t know.
You’re lying, I know it.
Who told you?
I told you, she did.
Who’s she?
She knows, You know it.
No she doesn’t.
Don’t, playing dumb is below you.
Stop it please!
Why, do you do it?
Do what?
Cheat, lie, fuck..around.
Who cares?
I care, you know it.
Do you enjoy…
Excuse me, go on…
Wasting time?
Caring? Let me be a fool
I don’t want that.
And her?
She’s a fool.
You’re, wasting time.
I am young
Not that young
Yes, but bold.
Well, do you know him?
Who is him?
Your girlfriends, boyfriend.
Now you lie?
Well, you should know it?
And I don’t
Open your eyes
I’ll play blind
Then, I cant do it.
What is that?
Keep it, I can’t.
More clarity?
Your child.