In my short time here my mind has acted like a 14month old tri-lingual babies mind; taking in everything but not yet finding too much use from what I have grasped. Its a process, a bit slow and arduous, but tiny break throughs come about like oil swirling in a bucket of clear water.
I have learned these admittedly over generlized truths; Italians are the most loving, welcoming and kind. The British will warm up to you as soon as they start having more than two season all year round. The scots talk political and persuade you with their booze, they sing like the boy on the futbol field, forever blowing bubbles. The nordics are thick-skinned, intelligent, and their humour is the closest to american I can find.
The sun is strongest in the morning as the skylight opens up the windows in my cylindrical living room. The light creeps in like a candle lit behinds cracked door and before you know it you find the need for sunglasses. As the day wears on the clouds from thicker dulling out the light but creates no worry during a busy work day.
"Cheers" and "mate" have replaced "thank you" and "man" while merci tips its french hat into the ring from time to time. The black crows left for murder scare the shit out of me as my leg appears to be their next prey. 12 degrees celsius is when the tops come down on the lamborghini's and porche's around a crowded oxford circus. Young musicians take to their six strings collecting three pence from those just happy to catch a sunny walk, joyed by youthful melodies.
I've thought about buying a 10 pack of smokes, but pass it up every time. For now I'll stick to having one too many espressos a day and tinting my teeth that way. Tea will be coming next, but my coffee addiction doesn't love company. Out of all these truisms, the one I find most often is; no matter where you are, where you go, you are you. Because you go to another state, another city, another country, you don't change. Experiences alter the way you see things, taste things, feel them, but you are you to the core.
I still can't help but to feel as a tourist, trying out foreign prepared meals in the food shops and listening intently to isolate an accent that seems different in each and every neighborhood.
From Oscar Wilde; To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. There is no shame in living a simple life, but there is regret in time poorly spent.