The mother of all photos. The "go-to." The one photo you call home. Your money shot. The picture that you display the the 800 Million people associated with facebook, to represent you. The profile photo.
Even if you have super savvy, government protection, CSI shit security settings on your facebook, someone, anywhere in the world can find you on facebook. What is shown? Just your profile picture and a message that says, "this person only shares certain information with certain people."
Check out young Kim Jung Il to the right here. There was a time where Kim, KJ, as his boys call him, actually sat back at his Tobisha laptop, and said, "yes, this is the picture I like of myself the most." "This is what is going to bring the chicks, well and maybe dudes, we have to stay politically correct here, in. Why? The answer is simple, "I am wearing a vintage whale tooth necklace which is not obvious but the rope chain that its connected to, gives it away, so that subtle. My hair is cut JUST right, with a fade into the little bit of facial hair I could muster up after 3 long months of growing it out. My brows are waxed, my lips are pushed out a bit, and yes! Oh fuck Yes, the wink is just perfect. Not too hard, not too soft, but fucking focused. I look good. This is the one"

"I'm sexy and I know it." This champion decided to go with the vintage lazer background. A bold strategy. Not sure if anyone else recognizes this background design but I remember it being the most popular choice amongst my classmates in 4th grade. Ultra sleek, matches with absolutely none of anyone's outfits, unless they are E Fucking T.
To add injury to insult, this guy decides that contacts are a bad idea, and so are glasses that were made prior to WWI. Mcfly here must have been sitting in his pleather chair looking at his Compaq desktop circa 93' resting on his two tone first edition IKEA desk and said: "This is it. Do you know how many bitches I own? If this doesn't bolster my okcupid.com sexiness level, I do not know what will. Ill throw this kitten, who is not only ugly as fuck, but is most likely photo shopped into the picture and I'll just be Chuck Sheen winning. My hair is perfect, I have not cut it since this background was cool, and my sweater makes me look like my dad, who got my mom, so he must have been doing something right. Yup, this is it." #cathuggerforlife
Seriously, keep these coming.
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