Growing older is fine as long as you you don't really look older, and your health isn't failing. You never really feel all that different, even though I hit the quarter century mark today. 25 really has no other significance.
I have realized that there are all kinds of people who come out of the wood work to wish you a happy birthday, and they do it in their own way. Acquaintances post on Facebook, college alumni do the same. Family send gifts, cards, and flowers, friends will send you a text. Best friends will call, and they wont leave a message. It actually matters if they talk to you or not and a voicemail just won't do. The best of friends may even come visit you that weekend when you are 1000 miles away.
There are always surprises though. Old girlfriends text, when you thought they hated you. Co-workers forget that you even exist, more than regular days. Maybe you only notice this because its the one day a year your float on this fictitious omnipotent cloud, and feel everyone should be feeling lucky to have been graced by your presence.
Some friends, call you up, and do leave a voicemail, because they are not really "talk on the phone friends." This leads me to believe they probably want something from me in life, or are trying to better themselves, call me cynical if you will. Regardless of your reason for sending your "best" and the method that you use to do it, I appreciate it, and enjoy the flattery.
I have learned a few things over the past year that I think are good to write down. Not for any other reason but to remind myself that I am human and ever changing. To remember that each year is not the same, and that each year is a fortunate year to have lived, and to have done it well. I learned this year:
Buy Good Toilet paper - You will regret cheap toilet paper, and guests will take notice.
Buy organic or cage free eggs, for a dollar more, you improve your health and discourage bad business practice.
Don't lie about the small stuff. I agree that there are times to conceal the truth, but work hard at being honest, people will thing you have lost sight of what matters if you don't.
Call your parents, grandparents, and family. They want to hear from you. As you move further and further away from their world, its important that they know you are still on a related planet, and you love them.
Dry Clean your suits.
Read and write often. Reading takes you away from the monotony of every day life, brings you into a world that is not your own, get your out of your head, even if for just a few minutes. Writing lets your open your mind to creativity and take an attempt at the abstract.
Listen to people names. Think about how many times you have walked into a group and introduced yourself and instantly forgot the persons name when they disclosed it. Don't forget. Repeat that name as many times as you can, remember them. They will remember you.
Above all; save a little, live a lot, love more. Money can only take you so far, life is devastatingly short not to enjoy, and love only comes so often. There is such thing as a regret, and the only way to overturn it is to go back and do it.
Thank you all for your birthday wishes. I will be making the most of the most.
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